Our Mission
We give support and guidance for the University owned and controlled movable property. The department houses a central receiving area for equipment deliveries and a logistical support service for all university departments.
· Manage the Inventory Process for assets value over $5K.
· Receive and manage surplus property items.
· Sell surplus items to the public externally on Govdeals.com.
Quick Links
Departmental Surplus:
Access to this campus only section of GovDeals is restricted to UA employees only. To request access, please complete the form GovDeals Application and email it to property@ua.edu.
Once access is granted, GovDeals will send the user two emails with username and password information. At that point, users can log on, view, and select items.
There is no cost to departments for items available in this special campus only section.
We offer items for sale to the public on our general page at GovDeals.com.
Items can be viewed by visiting our facility at 124 Ancillary Services Building from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Completing a Transaction Form:
Complete the Transaction Form for:
- Property on Loan
- Change in location
- Transfer of Ownership
- Transfer to Surplus Property
- Deletions
- Trade Ins
- Cannibalized Property
- Lost or Stolen Assets
Use the following information for assets being transferred to Surplus:
“TO” Section:
Department Name: Surplus
Contact Name/Email: property@ua.edu
Department Org #: 504305
Building: 323-ASB
Room: Inv001
All computer equipment must have all licensed software including the operating systems and sensitive date removed prior transferring to Surplus. We are not responsible for removal of software or data.
If Logistics Services is required, please submit a Work Order. If you do not have access to submit a work order, please contact your Building Representatives to assist you with the request.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact Property & Inventory Management via email, property@ua.edu, or by phone, 205-348-7501.
InfoContact Information
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Office Number: 205-348-7501
Physical Address: 1115 14th Street, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Mailing Address: Box 870238, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487