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Our Mission:
We provide the University community with a means of diverting recyclables from the waste stream while promoting the benefits of recycling.
How We Recycle
Recycling starts at the desks of faculty and staff members by providing desk-side boxes, which provide convenient locations to store recyclables until full. Participants can then empty recyclables into a blue recycling container in centrally located areas, which is then emptied by the custodial staff and taken to our recycling specialist to retrieve. We ask that all recyclables remain separate in the blue bags by the type of item they are. Please get in touch with Recycling or your custodial representative for cardboard pick-ups.
Batteries, Bulbs, and Motor Oil
Due to regulatory issues, the Office of Environmental Heath and Safety (EHS) manages some of the recycling efforts on campus. This includes fluorescent bulbs, certain types of batteries, and used motor oil.
All of these recycling efforts are monitored by state and federal environmental agencies and EHS maintains extensive documentation associated with this program.
Cell Phone Recycling
Bring your used cell phones to be recycled properly to the container that is located in the Ferguson Center and the entrance of the Supe Store.
Bama Dining, UA Grounds, New College, and the UA Arboretum all collaborate on a composting program that utilizes brown and green waste to make nutrient-rich soil compost.
Leaves (brown waste) collected across UA’s campus are sent to the Arboretum instead of a land fill.
Bama Dining provides pre-consumer waste (green waste) in for form of vegetable stems, peels, and rinds.
The Arboretum is tasked with turning the waste into rich soil.
Fryer Oil
Bama Dining recycles fryer oil from every location across campus to ensure that the waste is managed in an environmentally sound way. Over 1,000 gallons of used fryer oil is collected from UA kitchens monthly for recycling during regular semester months. A local company collects the oil and transports it to a facility where it is processed and refined into a reusable product.
Scrap Metal
Property and Inventory Management inspects all worn-out or obsolete property to determine the method of disposal. Please contact Property and Inventory Management with questions concerning disposal at 205-348-7501.
Contact Information
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Office Number: 205-348-7502
Physical Address: 1115 14th Street, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Mailing Address: Box 870238, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487