Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

How do you turn in a corrective maintenance work order How do you know it was received?

Requests for corrective maintenance work orders should be forwarded to your Building Representative. Building representatives are appointed by the Dean for each academic building on campus. Once Facilities receives the appointment papers, a sign-on and a password to the Work Order system is assigned to them. Building representatives enter forward work orders customer to the Service Response Center using the on-line Work Order system, via the internet. The Service Response Center Team will retrieve the work orders; and assign the work order to a shop for the execution. The shop will place it in the queue for completion.

The building representatives can track the status of the work requests in the work order system for their buildings. If you have a question, contact your Building Representative.

For Student Housing Residential Community buildings, requests should be reported to Regina Stapleton at 205-348-6188.

You may also contact the Service Response Center at 205-348-6001 with any question.

How do I obtain an estimate?

Requests for estimates for major renovations can be obtained by filling out a Project Initiation Form and submitting it to Facilities Construction Administration. Estimates for minor remodeling can be obtained by having your Building Representative complete work order.

How can I initiate a funded work order?

When a department decides to do a renovation, you will need to fill out a Project Initiation Request (PIR) and submit it to Facilities to the In-House Project Management Staff for an estimate. You will then receive a Project Approval Form (PAF), along with an estimate for the work. Once you return to PAF with the funding source identified, the paperwork then goes to the accounting office to set up a budget and the work order will be processed. The PAF is returned to Facilities as a Funded Work Order to be processed.

What types of services are provided by Facilities Planning?

The Planning and Design department can assist you with interior and exterior projects. You must submit a Project Initiation Request (PIR) and then a cost estimate will be provided for you. Once you receive the estimate, you determine if you want to proceed. The Planning Department will make sure your renovation is compliant with the University’s Standards.

Who do I contact when I have a maintenance request?

Please contact your Building Representative to place a work order.

What is considered an emergency call?

Emergency calls are those that involve potential threat or damage to life or property (gas leaks, alarms, water leaks, roof leaks, etc.). During normal working hours, they should be called in to 205-348-6001. After 5:00 pm, please report to UAPD at 205-348-5454. 

How do I order keys?

Please contact the Key Shop at 205-348-9159.

Who can I contact for information about Campus Signage?

Facilities Planning is charged with maintaining UA Standards for signage. Please contact them at 205-348-8158 before placing an signs.

Who can I contact about Landscape Architecture?

Please contact our Landscape Architect at 205-348-0104 for any questions you may have.

Who do I contact to report sidewalk conditions?

If you are reporting a tripping hazard, please contact the Service Response Center at 205-348-6001.

If you are wanting to call in reference to handicap accessibility, please call the ADA Hotline at 205-348-5882.

“Who can I contact about construction that is in process on campus?

The University Construction Administration is charged with project management of capital construction on campus. If you have any questions, please contact the project manager for the corresponding project.

Who do I contact for architectural designs?

Please contact the architect staff at 205-348-1511.

Central Receiving

What can I send to Central Receiving?

Anything that needs a freight truck to deliver onto a loading dock can be sent to Central Receiving.

Please contact us about items over 4,000 lbs or shipments of more than four skids.

Please contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) about any potentially hazardous materials being shipped. Hazardous materials are subject to be rejected if not cleared with EHS.

Individual packages such as delivered by UPS or FedEx trucks should not be sent to Central Receiving.

What kind of information do I need to include with my shipment to Central Receiving?

Please make sure that your shipment has your name, phone number, and your department listed. Non-maintenance shipments that do not have Central Receiving’s address cannot be received without the purchaser’s prior request and approval. Shipments that arrive without Central Receiving’s address and pre-approval are subject to be rejected.

What happens when my shipment arrives?

We will inspect your shipment for any visible signs of damage. If no damage is detected, we will unload the shipment and store it in our facility. you will receive an automated email notifying you that your shipment has arrived.

How long can my shipment be stored in Central Receiving?

Central Receiving is for short term storage only. Please plan to pick up or have items delivered within 14 days of arriving in Central Receiving. Space is very limited and overdue items can prevent other shipments from being accepted.

How do I claim my items in Central Receiving?

You can pick up items in Central Receiving Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 12:00pm and again from 1:00pm until 4:00pm. We will assist you in loading items up. If you are unable to load your items, you can submit a work order to the Logistics Department and they will deliver your items to the needed location.

Coliseum Maintenance

How can I rent the Coleman Coliseum?

If you are interested in renting part or all of the Coliseum, please visit for more information. Please complete the Facility Request Form and submit. A member of the Athletic Department’s Event Management Staff will contact you about your request.

Who do I contact for ticket inquiries?

For all questions about tickets, please contact the Ticket Office at 205-348-2262.

Custodial Services

Does Custodial Services clean carpets? If so, is there a charge for this service?

The Custodial Department does provide carpet cleaning, usually annually. If you have a special request, please contact your building’s custodial supervisor for a review.

If you have a special requirement or event, please notify the Custodial Supervisor for your building and they will schedule the cleaning

There is no charge for this service. 

Electrical Maintenance

How do I get an exterior light repaired?

Please contact your Building Representative to report the location.

How do I get new lights added?

Please contact your Building Representative to submit a work order for the addition.

Elevator Maintenance

How does the door know to reopen?

The doors are equipped with electronic eyeballs that check the threshold before closing. Their close speed and force are governed by the A17 elevator safety code.

Can this elevator run any faster?

Every elevator is governed to operate at the tolerance designed. There are safeties in the control circuits to prevent over-speed.

What is under the elevators?

Every elevator has a pit where parts of the safety equipment is located, and the depth of the pit is also determined by the speed of the elevator.

Is it safe to ride an elevator when the Certificate of Operation has expired?

Just because a Certificate of Operation is showing an expiration date in the past does not mean the elevator is unsafe. The State of Alabama allows a 30-day grace period after the expiration date in which to conduct a new annual inspection. Also, the state can take several weeks to process the inspection paperwork and mail a new Certificate of Operation. The University has and continues to remain in full compliance with all state laws. The University has never been reprimanded by the state for not having our elevators properly inspected or for having them inspected outside the acceptable inspection window.

Energy Management

Who can I contact with energy saving ideas?

Energy Management appreciates suggestions and ideas from the University community concerning the conservation of energy on campus. Please send them an email to tell them your ideas.

Facilities Maintenance

What types of services are provided by Facilities Maintenance?

Roofing, Flooring, Painting, Masonry, Pest Control, Carpentry, and Cabinetry are all services provided by Facilities Maintenance but definitely not limited to.

How do I get my door closure fixed in my office?

Please report the problem to your Building Representative.

Who can I contact about my door sticking and not closing while I am out of town?

Please report the problem to your Building Representative. If you are out of the office, you should ask the building representative to be available or reschedule the work for a time you can be there. 

How can I get bookshelves made for my office?

Please contact your Building Representative and have them complete a work order.

Who can I contact if I need work done quickly for a special event in my building?

Please contact your Building Representative and have them complete a work order outlining the scope of work and time frame. We will contact you to discuss the work and provide an estimate. Please specify that the work needed is for a special event and contact us to discuss the timeline.

Who can I call if I want to hang a picture in my office?

Please contact your Building Representative to submit a work order for the request.

How do I submit a Project Initiation Request?

Please go to the PIR Website.

When is a Project Initiation Request required?

A PIR is required if your proposed project will involve more than one trade, change the use of a University space, or has a budget greater that $5,000. Please refer to the PIR Website.

Who do I contact when I have a maintenance request?

Please contact your Building Representative to place a work order.

How do I report a maintenance issue in a Housing and Residential Community building?

Please follow the instructions on the Work Order Request Page

Grounds Department

Who can I contact about Landscape Architecture?

Please contact our Landscape Architect at 205-348-0104 for any questions you may have.

Who can I contact about tree preservation?

Please contact our University Forester at 205-348-6473. They will be able to advise you on tree preservation.

How can I get landscaping and improvements done around my building?

Please contact the Landscaping and Grounds Department at 205-348-6961 and they will advise you.

Do you provide routine indoor plant maintenance?

Indoor plant care is the department’s responsibility.

Who can I contact to make changes to solid waste services or recycling?

Please contact Landscape and Grounds at 205-348-6007 for solid waste concerns.

Please contact Recycling at 205-348-6790 for your recycling matters.

Who can I contact to get a litter container or bench at my building?

Please contact Landscape and Grounds Department at 205-348-6007.

How do I get an excavation permit?

Please contact Landscape and Grounds Department at 205-348-6007. Customers should never excavate the grounds themselves.

Who do I contact to dedicate a tree or plaque?

Please contact the Division of Advancement to ask about the process to dedicate a tree or plaque on campus.

Grounds Use Permits

*These FAQs are not meant to replace or supplement the University’s Facilities & Grounds Use Policy. For specific details and information related to the use of University space, please review the University’s Facilities & Grounds Use Policy, which is the ultimate guide on the use of applicable University space.

Can anyone have an event on campus?

No. Campus spaces are available for use by members of the University community (i.e., UA faculty, staff, and students; a University academic or administrative department; or a registered student organization. Campus spaces are generally only available for use to those outside of the University community if they are sponsored by a member of the University community.

Can I have an event on campus without official authorization?

No. The grounds and facilities of the University are intended primarily for the support of teaching, research, and service components of its mission. Second priority is given to programs sponsored by academic and administrative departments/organizations.

Beyond these two priorities, use of campus space is permitted for activities that are intended to benefit out University community and must not interfere with the academic mission or operation of the University.

To protect these interests, an event must have approval from designated University officials in order to proceed.

There are locations on campus for holding spontaneous events where only notice of the event is required. For more information on spontaneous events and activities of expression, please review Section F of the Facilities and Grounds Use Policy.

How do I get approved to have an event on campus?

Permission to use campus space and facilities may be granted only be designated University officials or in accordance with applicable policies. To use any campus space, you must at all times confirm to University policies as well as local, state, and federal laws.

How long will it take to gain approval for an event?

To facilities the review by various University departments that have responsibility for different aspects of an event (e.g., tents, food services, security, electrical services, etc.), applicants for use of the space are strongly encourages to request permission for such use at least ten (10) University business days prior to the event. At a minimum, any such request must be made no less than five (5) University business days prior to the planned event. If the event does not present logistical complexities, the reservation request will be promptly reviewed and addressed.

If an event is spontaneous, such that it is occasioned by news or affairs coming into public knowledge within the preceding forty-eight (48) hours prior to the event, we will consider an expedited request for a Grounds Use Permit. In the instances, we will make every effort to review your request within 24 hours. There are also locations on campus for holding spontaneous events where only notice of the event is required. For more information on spontaneous events, and activities of expression, please review Section F of the Facilities and Grounds Use Policy. 

Can I use as much of one area for my event as I want?

No, the space and facilities of the university are intended primarily for the support of teaching, research and service components of the University’s mission. If it is determined that your event will interfere, disrupt or cause a health or safety concern to our mission, a more suitable location or time for your event will be assigned.

In most cases, we are able to accommodate your event with the space/area that you have requested, but in the case that your first request is unavailable, we make every effort to help locate another suitable area for your group.

Some examples that may preclude you from getting the requested location or time is that the request is during busy times, such as football season, would be a disruption to academic classes, or would present safety problems due to heavy vehicle or pedestrian traffic.

Can we serve alcohol at our event?

You may request that alcohol be allowed at your event. If alcohol is approved, you agree to comply with the University Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including open container laws and laws regarding consumption or possession by minors. You will make available alternative transportation for all intoxicated drivers. Student organizations must abide by all provisions of the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy and Social Event Guidelines. UA may grant or deny requests for alcohol in its sole and absolute discretion.

Is it really necessary to have a sponsor through the university for every event?

Yes, each request for a GUP must be sponsored by a university department, registered student organization, or individual University student, faculty or staff.

Does our sponsor have to be at the event?

Yes, your sponsor must be at the event and have a copy of the approved GUP available. This is necessary in case there is any question by University officials as to whether or not the event was approved.

What is a University Account Number or FOPAL?

Each department or registered student organization has a University Account Number from which money may be deducted by the University for work orders or damages.

Each group is required to supply their account number/FOPAL on their GUP in the unlikely event that damages to university property occurs as a result of the approved event.

If an individual student is sponsoring the event, costs for work orders or damages may be placed on their student account.  If an individual staff or faculty is sponsoring the event, costs for work orders or damages may be assessed in accordance with applicable policies and laws.

Who can I contact to get trash services, electrical assistance, or plumbing assistance for my event?

If you need assistance with trash cans, bags, or removal, please contact the Grounds Department at 205-348-2657.

If you need electrical assistance for your event, please call the Electrical Department at 205-348-3961.

If you need assistance with water needs for your event, please call the Plumbing Department at 205-348-8710.

You will also need to submit a work order with the help desk and provide your University Account Number/FOPAL. You can call the help desk at 205-348-6001.

Can I reserve the entire Quad for my event?

Because so many groups request to use the Quad daily, we don’t normally reserve the entire Quad for any one group. Please refer to the Quad Map on the Grounds Use Permits web page. This will help you coordinate the area that you would prefer.

HVAC Maintenance

What do I do when my office, lab, or classroom is too hot or too cold?

Please contact your Building Representative.

How do I schedule air conditioning for my office?

Energy Management has established criteria for changing over to air conditioning. If you need an exception, please send them an email.

Does my thermostat work?

Yes, it works within a range. The range varies by building and system type, but is usually between 65⁰F and 78⁰F.

Has my filer been changed?

Yes, we change filters on a regular basis. We use high efficiency and high capacity filters, which are changed as needed.

Dorm filters are changed before move in.

Why is my thermostat in another office?

The University now uses a 2-4 room per controller guideline to balance cost and comfort.

Why does my unit have heat when I need A/C or have A/C when I need heat?

You may be in a building that shares piping for heat and A/C. In these buildings we can only supply A/C or heat not both at the same time. We change the buildings as often as needed, but on moderate days some rooms may have to open windows to stay comfortable.

Logistical Services

What is a work order?

A work order is a request that is entered into the AIM System. These requests are sent to the corresponding departments to be assigned for completion.

Is a transaction for not a work order?

No, a transaction form is not a work order. A transaction form is a form that is used to keep tract of electronics that are sent to Property and Inventory Management.

What is the charge to rent tables and chairs?

Tables are $7 per table and chairs are $1 per chair for 3 days.

What is the charge for a special event setup?

The charge for a special event setup can vary on the amount of time needed to complete the setup and the number of teams needed to complete the setup.

Is a transaction form necessary for items that are not electronic?

No, a transaction form is not needed for items that are not electronic, but if you have several items, you can send a list along with the transaction form.

How do I put in a work order?

A work order can be put in through the AIM System or by a building representative who has access to the AIM System.

Can I request certain individuals to complete my work order?

Yes, if that team is available.

In what order are the work orders completed?

Work orders are completed upon importance and if they have a desired date for completion.

Who can I call in reference to a work order?

Please direct all calls concerning work orders to Assistant Director, Gerald Mills, at 205-348-3955.

How long does it take to complete a work order?

A work order can take a day or up to a week to be completed depending on the severity of the work order request.

Do I need to unload any file cabinets before a move?

Yes. Your file cabinets must be emptied in order for them to be moved. This will keep us from damaging the cabinets, injuring any of the movers, and no confidential files will be lost or exposed.

Plumbing Maintenance

How do I report a utility leak?

This would be considered an emergency and you should call the Service Response Center at 205-348-6001 to report the problem. If it is after hours, please call UAPD at 205-348-5454.

Who do I call to report gas smells?

This would be considered an emergency and you should call the Service Response Center at 205-348-6001 to report the problem. If it is after hours, please call UAPD at 205-348-5454.

Who can I call when I have no hot water?

Please contact your Building Representative and report the issue.

Who do I call to report sewer smells?

Please contact your Building Representative and report the issue.

Who do I call to report sewer backup in my room?

Please contact your Building Representative and report the issue.

Who do I call to report that my lab doesn’t have any Deionized Water?

Please contact your Building Representative and report the issue.

Who can I call to report rain water flooding any place on campus?

Please call the Plumbing Maintenance Office to report flooding on campus at 205-348-6009.

Property and Inventory Management

What are your hours of operation?

We are open Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 12:00pm and from 1:00pm – 4:30pm.

Open viewing hours are currently between 8:00am – 11:30am and again from 1:00pm – 4:00pm.

Where are you located?

The Property and Inventory Management Office is located in the Ancillary Services Building at 1115 14th Street, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. Available surplus property is located in room 124, the former campus mail space.

Who can I contact to remove old furniture in our department?

Please contact Surplus Property at 205-348-7501. This service is free of charge.

How do I transfer items to Surplus Property?

Department wishing to transfer excess or unwanted equipment to Surplus Property may do so by preparing a Property and Inventory Management Transaction Form and check the transfer box for all items costing more than $5,000.

The department will then need to submit a work order for the physical moving of the listed items. Only items listed on the form will be moved by Logistical Support. Equipment will not be moved to Surplus Property by Logistical Support prior to receipt of the complete form. Upon receipt of the appropriate forms and relocation or the equipment to Surplus, the Property and Inventory Management Department will transfer the equipment.

Please note that when equipment is transferred to Surplus, the transferring department automatically relinquishes all control over that piece of equipment. All funds realized from the sale of surplus items accrue to the appropriate Financial Affairs revenue account. Equipment that is in the Surplus Property area, however, is available to all departments alike on a first-come, first-serve basis.

What happens to items that are transferred to Surplus Property?

Once items are transferred to Surplus, most items are available for use by any department on campus, free of charge. This allows Surplus to reuse property, rather than spend state funds for the same items, which saves money and unnecessary spending.

Once items have been included in a public sale, they are no longer free of charge for departmental use.

What is a University of Alabama Property Tag?

A property tag is an adhesive strip with “The University of Alabama” on it. It contains a bar code and unique Property Number assigned to each specific University asset.

Who can I contact with questions about the Property and Inventory Management Policies and/or Procedures?

All questions pertaining to Property and Inventory management policies and procedures can be answered by our staff at 205-348-7501 or by sending us an email.

What do I do if I recently purchased an item over $5,000 and it came directly to my department without a property tag on it?

If the item is over $5,000 and does not have a property tag on it, please contact the Property and Inventory Management Office at 205-348-7501 or by sending us an email.

How do I go about disposing of obsolete, useless, broken, and/or unwanted equipment?

As a state-funded institution, we are prohibited from throwing away, discarding, or giving away assets to any particular individual or entity. Therefore, when items are no longer useful to a department, they should be sent to Surplus.

Please fill out a Transaction Form with the transfer bow checked and email to Property and Inventory Management. A work order will need to be submitted for the Logistical Support team to pick up the item(s) listed.

Can I purchase an item for personal use if my department no longer needs it?

The only way an item that was purchased with State funds can be sold is to offer it to the general public through a public sale

How can I go about transferring an item my department no longer uses to a department that does?

To transfer an item from one department to another, a Transaction Form must be filled out with the transfer box checked and sent to the receiving department for signature or acceptance. The receiving department should then email the form to Property and Inventory Management.

How can my department sell items without transferring them to Surplus so we can receive the funds made from the sell?

The Property and Inventory Management Office is always willing to work with and assist a department that wishes to sell assets that contain a University of Alabama Property Tag, but does not wish for these assets to be physically moved to the surplus warehouse. We understand that some departments may no longer have a use for some assets, but the assets in question still have worth. You may call our office at 205-348-7501 and we can discuss options and make arrangements to have these items sold.

If an item has been stolen, what steps should I take to get it removed from my department’s inventory?

When there has been theft of property, UAPD should always be called and an Incident Report should be completed.

A Transaction Form should also be filled out with the stolen box checked and a copy of the Incident Report should be attached and emailed to Property and Inventory Management Office.

What information does my office need to have our old traded in equipment removed from our inventory and have out newly purchased equipment added?

The Purchase Order for the new equipment should reference the UA property number of the asset being traded in.

A Transaction Form should also be filled out for the old equipment and a copy of the Purchase Order for the new equipment should be referenced so that our office can properly record the addition of the new equipment and the disposal of the old. The forms should be emailed to Property and Inventory Management Office.

When should I expect to get my annual physical inventory and what is the deadline to have it completed and returned?

The annual physical inventory is now conducted by the Property and Inventory Management Office and is no longer completed by the departments. However, departments are still responsible for assets assigned to them and Property and Inventory Management may request assistance of the department in locating items or accessing the building or rooms. Inventory begins the Tuesday after the MLK holiday with completion expected by May.


Who can I contact to remove shipment packaging, crates, and large cardboard boxes? Is there a charge for this service?

Please contact Recycling at 205-348-7502 to pick up the materials. There is no charge for this service.

Who can I contact to dispose of old publications and other printed materials? Is there a charge for this service?

Please contact Recycling at 205-348-7502 to pickup the materials. There is no charge for this service.

Who can I contact to make changes to solid waste services or Recycling?

Please contact Landscape and Grounds at 205-348-6007 for solid waste concerns.

Please contact Recycling at 205-348-7502 for your recycling matters.

How do I request recycling containers for my office?

Please complete the Request Form.

How do I dispose of confidential documents in my office?

Please complete the Request Form and we will shred all confidential information free of charge.

Can I recycle items that I bring from home?

Yes, we have a community drop off that is available to everyone at our facility.

What are your hours of operation?

Monday – Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm.