Newsletter #3: Spring Savings (Text-Only Version)

The Department of Energy Management


Newsletter No. 3

Spring ’23 Edition


Spring Savings

Introduction: Hello and welcome back to the UA Energy Management Newsletter! In this issue, we will explore different ways to save energy (and money) this spring. If you happen to be moving out of your current residency at the end of this semester, we’ll also lend some tips on how to best leave your space. Happy spring and happy reading!

[ALT TEXT]: An incandescent light bulb filled with coins. A hand is seen adding additional change.

Opportunities: Want to get involved in energy conservation and other sustainable initiatives? Here are some upcoming opportunities!

  • Local Waterways Presentation (Info) // April 21


[ALT TEXT]: A photo of someone wearing a blue shirt that says “Volunteer”. Their arms are extended with their palms facing up. Placed in their hands is a small globe.



Big News: President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently met to illustrate their devotion to sourcing ethical energy. The US Department of Energy published an article outlining their intentions, stating “As global leaders in advanced nuclear technologies, we have a responsibility to ensure that the global adoption of advanced nuclear technologies, including small modular reactors, continues to be safe and secure and in accordance with non-proliferation obligations.”

Source: US Department of Energy

[ALT TEXT]: Clip art of intersecting American and Canadian flags.


Local News: Alabama Power is offering two new incentives to encourage their customers to use electric vehicles. The first is a rebate for the purchase of a 240V home charger, and the other is a discounted rate for electric vehicle charging during the night (9 PM – 5 AM).

Source: Alabama Power


Campus Conservation: The custodial staff here at The University of Alabama is indefinitely an asset to our campus and community. In addition to upholding clean and comfortable campus spaces, they also make consistent efforts to be energy efficient. To find out how, read our article “Conscious Custodians”, linked below!

Source: Conscious Custodians

[ALT TEXT]: A photo of Shonna Evans (exceptional custodial staff member at the UA Facilities Building) turning off a light.



Scavenger Hunt: Our EM Scavenger Hunt aimed to increase awareness of existing conservation initiatives in place throughout UA’s campus. Students were encouraged to identify and photograph them in exchange for an EM swag bag!

[ALT TEXT]: Submissions to the Energy Management Scavenger Hunt. A magnolia tree, thermostat, and electric vehicle charging station are pictured.


Have any thoughts on how additional energy could be saved across campus? Please let us know! We accept submissions through this link.


Energy Trivia: “The United States uses approximately WHAT percent of the world’s energy, yet it only holds about 5 percent of the population.”

Source: Electric Choice

[ALT TEXT]: Clip art of the United States.



Spring Savings

Being energy efficient becomes more difficult as our desire to use AC units increases with the temperatures! Here’s a few tips relevant to the warm spring / summer seasons.

  • Set your thermostat as high as you can comfortably manage
  • Use a fan to feel up to 4°F cooler
  • Spend time outdoors (where you won’t use screens and lights)
  • Change your filter when necessary (once every season)


Packing Up?: If you are moving out of your current residency, here are some tips to keep in mind for your final departure!

Residence Halls:

  • Turn off all lights
  • Unplug all electronics
  • Set thermostat for cooling at 68°F
  • Take out the trash


  • Turn off all lights
  • Unplug all electronics not needed
  • Set thermostat for cooling at 76°F
  • Close blinds and curtains
  • Have all dripping faucets and toilets repaired in advance
  • Take out all trash



Sustainable Cheat Sheet:

A life hack that benefits you and the planet!

Thrifting is a great way to save resources, money… and energy! The fashion industry produces an exorbitant amount of unnecessary garments in an attempt to keep up with the rapid momentum of trends as they go in and out of style. This wastes substantial energy! Thrifting is an effective way to combat this problem. Additionally, it can save money and diversify your wardrobe. Take your friends and make a day of it!

[ALT TEXT]: Clip art of a t-shirt and a pair of pants.



Post Highlight: Here is a recent Energy Management post encouraging the use of reusable tote bags. The caption reads:

Consistent use of a reusable tote bag (versus a single-use plastic) can save substantial energy.

Additional Benefits include:

  • Reducing litter
  • Protecting wildlife
  • Having a more durable bag

Follow our account for future opportunities to win one of these Energy Management totes.

#UAEnergyMgmt #Bama #RollTide

[ALT TEXT]: A photo of a phone with its screen displaying the Energy Management Instagram Account. It contains a photo of an Energy Management tote bag and the caption that is typed above.

Trivia Answer: 23%. According to Electric Choice.


Thanks for reading!

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[ALT TEXT]: Clip art of various trees.